In 2012 Peat was commissioned to make these gates for a private residence in North Yorkshire.

Peat used thirty-two different setts and fullers over six days to create the Eastern European surface decoration on this plate.

Exhibited at FIFI (First International Festival of Iron, Cardiff, 1989). Many techniques were used including profile cutting, drawing down, bending, repoussée, gas welding, electric welding and collaring.

Peat made the stems of these kebab-like candlesticks from waste material. The 20mm steel cuboids were flattened on a power hammer and rivetted together on a central spike, like a kebab.

Peat made this musical sculpture for the British Artist Blacksmith Association exhibition Fe: An Exploration of Iron Through the Senses, 1995-96.

Mirror frame
Peat made this frame using a 40mm square tool to apply deep texturing. The ribbon was made as a contrast. After polishing, the frame was heated to iridescent blue.